BEGINNER LEVEL 1: Lesson 23 for Teachers


THEME: How are the students doing with their English?


  1. Listen to the Directions.
  2. Today is a day to see how your students are progressing with their English.
  3. Review, going through the class asking the students different questions. 
  4. Have each student’s name written down in a notebook so you can keep track of how they are doing.
  5. Ask questions from the different things the students have learned in the Introduction of Self, Module One, and module Two. 
      1. What is your name?
      2. How old are you?
      3. What do you like to do? 
      4. Who is our shepherd?
      5. Who can we hear from?
      6. How can we hear from God?
      7. Who loves us no matter what?
      8. (Feel free to add questions)

5. Give the students stars based on how they are doing 

      • 1 Star: Student answers no questions
      • 2 Stars: Student repeats simple one-word answers
      • 3 Stars: Student answers questions with sentences with help, repeating the teacher if needed
      • 4 Stars: Student answers questions in complete sentences with little help
      • 5 Stars: Student answers all questions with no help.

6. Play games for the rest of the class or watch El Perro y El Gato

7. Have a student pray in English.