INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 1 – Lesson 29 for Students


THEME: Overcoming Struggles

VOCABULARY: struggle, bullying, smart, nerds, left out, giant, liquid, beat, intelligence, skill, teenager

STORY: There are two kids – a boy and a girl. Their names are Paula and Sebas. They are both 13 years old. They both struggle at school because there are always kids that are bullying them. Paula and Sebas are best friends with each other, but they don’t have any other friends. All of the kids at school make fun of them because they are smart. They call them names and tell them that they are “nerds.” This really hurts Sebas and Paula. They want to be friends with other kids at school. They want to be part of the “cool” group. They don’t want to feel left out. They try to fit in, but the kids just will not be nice to them. One day at school, the kids played a terrible joke on them. They put a liquid on their chairs so that when Paula and Sebas sat down, their pants got wet. This made Sebas and Paula feel very sad. But one day, they met a new friend named Marcela. Marcela told them a story about a teenager named David who worked in a field. She told Sebas and Paula how David wasn’t afraid to come against a giant. Everyone thought David was crazy because there was no way that he could beat a giant. But this teenager, David, did beat the giant. David was smart and used his intelligence and skill to beat the giant. Marcela explained to Sebas and Paula that the other kids might seem like mean giants. However, Sebas and Paula should keep on being who God made them to be. One day, they will look back and know that they beat the giants in their lives by not being afraid to be themselves. 


  1. Review the Vocabulary Words.
  2. Listen to Audio 1 as you read the story.
  3. Listen to Audio 2 – Story with Questions as you read the story and answer the questions.
  4. Read the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
  5. Think about the story and what happened. 
    1. Who was on David’s side? (God)
    2. What kind of armor did Goliath have? (spear and body armor)
    3. Who kept David safe? (God)
    4. Who keeps us safe? (God)
    5. Who is our armor? (God)
    6. Who should have won the fight? (Goliath because he is bigger and stronger)
    7. Who helps us overcome fears of struggles? (God does just like God helped David beat Goliath)
  6. End the class with prayer.